Golf Fitness Balance Exercise On Bosu Ball

Golf Fitness: Balance Exercise – Bosu Ball Stability Trainer

Advanced Golf Exercises like this are excellent for stability which is key to a consistent golf game. The single leg balance drill starting from the ground then onto the Bosu Ball balance trainer increases your awareness and sensitivity to your center of mass. If you’ve never been on a Bosu Ball for balance training you might be caught off guard how much better your balance is after doing this golf drill. Even if you don’t have stability issues, by advancing onto the Bosu Ball you may feel that much more in control of your body after doing this exercise.

Ha has been helping golfers for 14 years and counting as of the writing of this article. She uses the Bosu Ball as one of many tools to help clients increase and control their balance skills, and meet their golf fitness goals. It can even be used for Bosu Ball push up variations to make them more challenging. Ha will continue to show other great fitness tips to improve your golf game utilizing the Bosu Ball in case you buy one or have one already.

About Ha Bui

Ha Bui is a Golf Fitness Specialist. She has been in the industry for 14 years and has an Exercise Science degree as well as certifications in Muscle Activation Techniques Jumpstart (MAT), Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) and NSCA-CPT CSCS.

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